Laïla Diallo, Mélanie Demers © Larry Dufresne
After successful careers as dancers – Mélanie Demers with Ginette Laurin at O Vertigo and Laïla Diallo with Wayne McGregor at Random Dance – both women rapidly came to prominence with their respective choreographic work. They join forces for this new piece with the shared aspiration of investigating a number of delicate issues regarding identity.
The product of a creative process split between Kenya, Canada, and the UK, Sauver sa Peau (or Sense of Self, its English title) has already left its mark on three continents. The piece unfolds as a fluid series of tableaux offering diverse perspectives on the multi-layered nature of identity. For just like our skin (which undergoes endless regeneration), aren’t our identities also in a constant state of becoming?
Choreography and performance Mélanie Demers, Laïla Diallo | Original music Jacques Poulin-Denis | Lighting design David Perreault Ninacs | Texts Mélanie Demers, Laïla Diallo | Artistic advisor Boyzie Cekwana | Creation 2008
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Sauver sa Peau/Sense of Self is a co-production with Centre National de la Danse – Pantin (creation during a residency) and was created with the support of Arts Council England South West, the Canada Council for the Arts, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Swindon Dance, The Place, The Brewhouse Theatre, The Quercus Trust, Random Dance, Diversions, la Maison de la culture du Plateau Mont-Royal, Tangente, Bristol City Council and Tanzwerkstatt Berlin.