October editorial by Mélanie Demers

Having a favourite child If there’s one taboo that you still can’t break, it’s having a favourite child. Admitting that is like a declaration of war. A roadmap for sending your [...]


At the request of Olivier Choinière, Mélanie Demers will lend her hand to the staging of Vers solitaire, alongside Alix Dufresne, Xavier Huard, Justin Laramée, and Marie-Ève Milot. Vers [...]

Icône Pop in Montreal

MAYDAY will present Icône Pop outdoor in Montreal from September 30 to October 11, 2020. Performances will take place in accordance to health and social distances instructions. September 30, 2020 [...]

Mouvement pour les arts vivants: a meeting with Nathalie Roy, Minister of Culture and Communications

Together with the founders of the #PourLesArtsVivants movement, Martin Faucher, Ginette Noiseux, Anne Trudel, Brigitte Haentjens, Stéphanie Jasmin, Denis Marleau, Claude Poissant, Sylvain [...]

We will have to be prophets

The day will come when we will stop brushing up against walls. Instead, we will be brushing up against bodies. And we will be aroused by the danger of proximity. However, while we wait for that [...]

Danse Mutante – Mélanie Demers interview

Mélanie Demers has also taken a stab at the art of the interview. In this conversation filmed by Xavier Curnillon she takes the time to answer Angélique Willkie’s questions and looks back on the [...]

Post Coïtum world premiere at FTA

It’s official! Mélanie Demers’ new work, Post Coïtum, will have its world premiere at the Théâtre rouge du conservatoire as part of the 2020 edition of the Festival TransAmériques. Old stand-bys [...]

Danse Mutante – capsule 9 [Montreal]

This new capsule by Xavier Curnillon takes us back to Montreal a few days before the show’s run at Agora de la danse. It features Mélanie Demers being interviewed in studio at Radio-Canada as [...]

Danse Mutante in Mexico

Danse Mutante is off to win over Central America! Francis Ducharme and Riley Sims will perform the piece in its full version at the Museo Universitario del Chopo de Mexico from March 12 to 14. A [...]

Mélanie Demers, creative collaborator in three plays this winter

Mélanie Demers is regularly asked to participate in theatrical productions as a go-to person for everything to do with movement. This winter, three pieces she’s been working on will premiere in [...]

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