Something About
Sarah Bellugi Klima, Hazuki Kojima © Malin Arnesson
Version anglaise seulement
Something about Wilderness speaks of the inevitability of time passing and of the inevitability of change. It speaks of a tug between the wild and the civilized. It reflects on the fact that we are domesticated animals, marked by our histories – recent and ancient – while, in the same breath, it goes in quest of wilderness, seeks to arc back to a time before our own, ponders over the idea of beauty, remembers the fleetingness of our own presence in the world and the lightness of our mark. Nine dancers embody our restless endeavor to tame things and beings, and time itself.
Chorégraphie Mélanie Demers, Laïla Diallo | Interprétation Hazuki Kojima, Camille Marchadour, Peder Nilsson, Yiorgos Pelagias, Kristian Refslund, Riccardo Zandona, Jing Yi Wang, Maria Pilar Abaurrera, Erika Poletto, Sarah Bellugi Klima | Architecture de paysage Carola Wingren, Karin Svensson | Musique Jean-Sébastien Côté | Costumes Kasper Hansen, Sophie Bellin-Hansen | Lumières Guy Hoare